Thailand & Pattaya LATEST NEWS from Fabulous 103fm (20 December 2022)

Little hope remains for the missing crew members of at least one navy vessel sunk in the gulf during record high storms. The heavily armed US built ship took on water before power was cut , seeing it sink, and a rescue ship sent to recover those aboard. Now working on a 300 sq mile area of search, which does include small islands, a reported 31 men are said to be unaccounted for. With 2 other ships, along with helicopters and search rescue planes all working day and night in gale force conditions 75 crewmen are said to have been recovered , most if not all during the initial few hours.

In the same storms, a cargo ship sunk after containers shifted and 2 fishing boats were reported missing with ferries to Samui and Phangan suspended.

Heavy rain in the south, combined with gale force winds has seen massive flooding in many areas. Along with flooded towns and villages, with many families stranded IN their homes, 3 died after their car was washed from a road into rivers, two were recovered by passers by. In coastal areas along the shoreline of Nakhon Si Thammarat, salt water flooding continued yesterday. Boats have been ordered throughout the gulf to remain on the shoreline as red NO SWIM flags cover beaches from South to north.

The number of new Covid-19 cases across Thailand DROPPED in the past 7 days, seeing 3419 KNOWN infections, those treated by medics but with a buildup of critical patients the death count in the same 7 day period rose to 113. 400 patients remain on life support ventilators and a further 645 have lung infections resulting from the virus

5 mobile ganga vendors along with one shop operator, who allowed consumption of cannabis in his premises have been fined in the capital, 5K baht each with jail sentences suspended for 2 years. Selling cannabis flowers without a licence will , according to authorities, result in more arrests and as these are the first to be publicly tried. It’s expected that higher penalties will be handed down in the near future. Authorised vendors are reminded that NONE have licences allowing consumption on the premises.

Think your credit card interest rates are high? Try 2080%. That’s the rate gouged by a gang arrested by police who traced them through social media advertising, and even phone apps. 2 Chinese, 17 Thais, all taken into custody in an operation covering the capital, Chonburi, Chiang Rai and Prachup kiri kaan. 33 bank accounts were frozen, 5.29 mill baht cash recovered and a complete list of accounts taken for analysis. Seems anyone not paying automatically got menacing messages encouraging repayment with intimidation.

Meanwhile at home, reports have been confirmed that a former Pattaya expat, who had recently moved to the northeast of Thailand to settle down properly, was responsible for killing a fellow co worker on an oil rig in Qatar waters. The father of two children here, and a long term expat, 43 yr old Scott Forrest killed his cabin mate, hiding his body before applying for an emergency flight off the rig, where he worked as an ROV specialist.. with the claim of a family emergency. Subsequently he was grabbed by three other co-workers as he attacked a second man who had discovered the first body.. Locals here have voiced amazement as he was known as a very laid back, non aggressive good company and a pleasant man. Described as the proud father of two children and a good pal to many. That all changed as his mother passed away leaving HIM in what has been described as a seriously stressed state with some suggesting that he had managed to hide a complete mental breakdown. Now in custody in Qatar he faces their form of justice, which may see him able to reduce his sentence somewhat if the family agree to clemency. This as the family of the dead man, 38 yr old Robbie Robson come to terms with his far to early demise. UK media has made much of the few photos they managed to grab from social media, including one of him holding two weapons, truth of that of course is that he had been, as many do, in a gun range and the photos were taken many years ago. Co-workers were encouraged NOT to discuss the attack as authorities investigated, one of his last phone calls to pals here was to say that he had screwed up and wouldn’t be back any time soon.

The cold spell is likely to put swimmers off here in the bay but the reminder has still been issued for swimmers NOT to enter the waters as exceedingly strong undercurrents and waves continue to make it unsafe.
