"Weed Nuns" put faith in cannabis

(22 Dec 2022)
Winton, California – 15 December 2022
HEADLINE: “Weed nuns” put faith in cannabis
1. Various sisters singing marijuana-themed Christmas carol
2. Various sisters trimming dried marijuana flowers
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Sister Kate Meeusen, Sisters of the Valley:
“We decided that the world is probably ready for a new age order of nuns, that there’s room for us and that we don’t have to be affiliated with any traditional religion. In those discussions about what would a new age order of nuns look like, they would look like our Beguine ancestors in the castles of Europe before the Inquisition got steam. They were women who were spiritual. They lived together, worked together, prayed together. The difference was they didn’t take vows so they could come and go. They could leave, have a family, come back later. That was the Beguines.”
4. Sister Kate Meeusen walks into yurt on the Sisters of the Valley property
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Sister Kate Meeusen, Sisters of the Valley:
“In the in the course of the discussions of what would a new age order of sisters look like, we wouldn’t beg. We would earn our own way. We would own our own property. And part of, I think, the gentle way to heal the problems of the planet is to have women own and control more things.”
6. Various trimming marijuana
7. Sisters perform a cleaning ritual before work on CBD products
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Sister Kate Meeusen, Sisters of the Valley:
“I had hoped that it was one of these things, like if you build it, they will come. And I had hoped that the framework of what I’m doing, making medicine, would attract the right kind of women. And I have lived to see that come true.”
9. Various pouring cannabis in caldron to make CBD salve
CAPTION: Founded eight years ago, the Sisters of the Valley grow, harvest and produce cannabis products. They’ve earned the nickname “The Weed Nuns.”
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Sister Kate Meeusen, Sisters of the Valley:
“When we first heard it, we didn’t know how to react. But after a few seconds, it was like, we’ll own it. And we did a fist bump and we’re like, okay, we’re the weed nuns. We actually went out and reserved the domain name then so if you Google weed nuns, you go to our store.”
11. Various shipping operation
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Sister Sophia Maya Costaras, Sisters of the Valley:
“We’re not ditsy stoner nuns. We try to say that to folks. We’re not ditsy. We’re scholars. We’re intellectuals. We’re spiritual. We walk our walk and we walk it very fluidly with everyone.”
13. Various pouring organic coconut oil into caldron
14. Various pouring salve into glass containers
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Sister Sophia Maya Costaras, Sisters of the Valley:
“A multi-functional business that wasn’t just about business and not just about healing, but about activism that is centered around cannabis and moving away from Big Pharma and moving away from being sick and moving into a more graceful place.”
16. CBD product bottles
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Sister Sophia Maya Costaras, Sisters of the Valley:
“Our products are the are the real deal. It’s handmade, handcrafted, and it’s lab tested.”
18. Various putting labels on jars of CBD products
CAPTION: The sisters ship their line of products worldwide and now have chapters operating in Mexico, Brazil and Sweden.
19. Various packing and shipping
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