How to Change Your Food Habits with Behavioral Change Dynamics | Mindvalley | Wildfit

Why is Vishen hurling donuts around the office? 🍩 ♻️

It all has to do with a strange experiment we did at Mindvalley HQ back in 2016-2017 using a model called BCD (Behavioral Change Dynamics) to rewrite our beliefs and triggers about food.

It ultimately led to us being voted one of the world’s healthiest workplaces and in Vishen throwing away 70% of his clothes (as well as the pastries).

If you’re looking to lose weight, improve your skin or improve your energy levels, you might want to try it for yourself.

If you want to learn more, you can in our FREE nutritional and food psychology masterclass with Eric Edmeades, the founder of the WILDFIT system all this week.

Join the free masterclass 👉


WILDFIT is a revolutionary health transformation program that allows you to permanently reform your relationship with food – and in turn your body – in just 90 Days.

Created by food activist and behavioral change dynamics expert, Eric Edmeades, WILDFIT’s powerfully effective new health and fitness methodology draws its inspiration from evolutionary and functional medicine and nutritional anthropology…

It guides you through an easy, step-by-step process to make permanent and lasting changes without ever feeling hungry and always having a feeling of abundant freedom.

If you’ve grown weary of diets and exercise, if you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, then learn more about what WILDFIT can do for you here:

#FoodHabits #Wildfit #healthandfitness
