Wrapping your hands for boxing is an important step in protecting your hands and wrists from injury. Here’s how to wrap your hands for boxing:

Gather materials: You’ll need boxing hand wraps, usually made of cotton or a similar material. You’ll also need tape to secure the wrap in place.

Start with the thumb: Place the end of the hand wrap over your thumb and wrap it around your hand, covering the thumb and wrist. Make sure that the wrap is snug but not too tight.

Wrap around the wrist: Continue to wrap the hand wrap around your wrist, pulling it tight as you go. Make sure that the wrap covers the wrist and extends up the hand a little.

Cover the back of the hand: Continue to wrap the hand wrap around the back of your hand, covering the knuckles and back of the fingers. Make sure to keep the wrap tight, but not so tight that it restricts blood flow.

Wrap the fingers: Wrap the hand wrap around each finger, covering the first knuckle of each finger. Make sure that each finger is covered and that the wrap is snug but not too tight.

Finish with the wrist: Continue wrapping the hand wrap around the wrist, making sure that it covers the entire wrist and the end of the wrap is secured to the hand wrap on the back of the hand.

Secure with tape: Once the hand wrap is in place, secure it with tape to keep it from unraveling.

By properly wrapping your hands for boxing, you can help prevent injury and improve your performance in the ring. It may take a little practice to get the hang of it, but once you have the technique down, you’ll be able to wrap your hands quickly and efficiently.

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