NaturalNewsBlogs Envenomation–The snake has no power without the fang

If you’ve ever had local anesthesia for a
toothache or a dental procedure you might want to thank a snake. I don’t
particularly like snakes and try really hard to avoid them, but I also try to
avoid the dentist. I am grateful for local anesthesia.  It turns out that dentistry played a role in
the development of the hypodermic needle. Some say the development of the hypodermic
needle came from the observation of how snake fangs inject venom into their
prey. A snake can’t bite you and inject its toxic venom without fangs.

“The new technique was soon widely used to
treat pain and was championed as “the greatest boon to medicine since the
discovery of chloroform”. Florence Nightingale benefited from it
herself during an illness and declared: “Nothing did me any good, but a
curious little new-fangled operation of putting opium under the skin, which
relieved [the pain] for 24 hours.”

Interesting that the snake is also the official insignia (caduceus) of
the United States Medical Corp., Navy Pharmacy Division, and Public Health

I doubt that snakes care about the prestige of their image representing
the medical and pharmaceutical professions. Snakes inject their venom to kill
prey. How does snake venom kill their prey?  Snake venom destroys the oxygen carrying
capacity of your red blood cells. It strips iron from the protective hemoglobin
molecule in your blood stream. Iron is very caustic when unprotected. Venom
also strips zinc and copper from the cells.

Alkalinity of the blood is a term I never heard in nursing school but
learned about when my husband had cancer 22 years ago. Your cells must be
alkaline at a pH of 7.3 in order for your blood cells to carry oxygen during
circulation. Hemoglobin from the blood and chlorophyll from green plants are
molecularly identical. The only difference is the center of a red blood cell is
iron to hold oxygen and the center of a chlorophyll atom is magnesium to hold
energy (Light) from the sun. Research has proven and it is true science, that
green chlorophyll rich foods build healthy red blood cells. Greens are alkaline
forming, which means they give you their energy and reduce your acidity which
causes inflammation and oxidative stress.  

Snake venoms and other toxins are acidic. All diseases are acidic
including cancers, covid, neurotoxic diseases like Parkinson’s, dementia,
autoimmune diseases, etc. These toxins can get in your blood stream by a bite
or an injection and replace iron in your blood with that toxin. The toxin kicks
iron out of hemoglobin and since Iron binds to oxygen, your blood cannot hold
oxygen. This is why you have a heart attack. Your blood is circulating but it
isn’t carrying oxygen. When ACE 2 receptors, which line blood cell walls, are
blocked by this toxin attaching to it, sodium can’t be reabsorbed. In the case
of envenomation, if caught early enough, a bolus of normal saline (salt solution) may
help. This is because sodium
powers the heart. It initiates the contraction of cardiac muscles. The snake
wants you paralyzed so you can’t run. This is also what happens with covid
toxicity to the heart.

Two other things happen when your blood is acidic. Your blood cells have
a negative charge on the outside of them in order to repel each other. If your
blood cells did not have a negative charge to repel each other, they would
stick to each other and it would be difficult to flow through the smaller veins
and capillaries to carry oxygen throughout the bloodstream. Even if there was
any oxygen left, it would not be enough to power the heart. Without the iron
atom holding oxygen, the negative charge is stripped off the outside of your
cell walls so your blood clumps together in a condition called rouleaux.
Rouleaux often leads to blood clots and strokes. The second thing is that Iron
is very caustic when it roams free in the blood stream unattached to oxygen.
It’s very damaging to the vital organs. It can cause chest pain, fast
heartrate, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, etc.

This is why people die quickly from envenomation. 1) They are not getting
oxygen to their vital organs. 2) The iron atom is causing a lot of damage
throughout the body depending on where the body is weakest. This is why venoms
and other toxins can affect essentially all major organ systems. It’s because
they have to get into your bloodstream, past your innate, protective mechanisms
designed by God. They have to penetrate the cell wall and destroy the energy
production of the mitochondria inside the cell. Chlorophyll rich green foods
build healthy red blood cells that are oxygenated and full of Light (energy).
Chlorella also has the highest affinity for metals. Because you also have to
excrete (DETOX) these poisons out of your body. Chlorella is also very
effective at detoxing Dioxin
(you know the chemical contaminating East Palestine, Ohio.)  You also need to avoid injecting toxins into
your bloodstream. Remember—vaccinations are toxin injections. There’s now a
vaccination for every age– from babies to teenagers (Gardasil, Meningitis), to
the elderly (Flu, Shingles, Covid). If your body can’t effectively eliminate
these toxins, disease and even death can occur. Every disease is a result of
too many toxins and not enough alkalinity. Naturopaths have been teaching this
for years. You are the salt of the Earth and the Light of the world.

Nature (God) has the answer to every situation. The snake is powerless
without the fang. Trust Nature. Avoid the fang.


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Thomasina Copenhaver

Thomasina Copenhaver is a naturopathic doctor and registered nurse with over 30 years experience in the healthcare profession. Her passion is writing, researching, and empowering all humans with knowledge of healing at the cellular level; to enable them to make educated and informed choices regarding their health. For more information visit her website: or to buy her book, “Notes from a Naturopath” visit Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

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