The Importance of the Sleep for Overall Health and Wellness | Dr. Jack Wolfson

In this video, cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson talks about the importance of a good night’s sleep for our overall health and wellness.

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Transcript of Video:

Hi, I’m Dr. Jack Wolfson, board certified cardiologist, and I want to tell you about the power of sleep.

For millions of years, our ancestors went to sleep with the sun down and awoke with the sun rise. Before Edison harnessed electricity, we were going to sleep with the sun down and awaking with the sun rise. This is very important to our health.

The literature is very clear that people that get 8 hours of sleep a day are the healthiest, but we want to make sure we do it in congruence with mother nature.

So, when the sun goes down, we should be in bed. If you need to stay up later, use an incandescent light, use candlelight, use a red flashlight that you can get on our website and pretty much all over, a lot of people are into this now.

You do not want to be awake in the artificial light, that causes brain damage, that causes cardiac damage, that causes cancer, don’t do it. You want to be sleeping with the sun down and naturally you wake up the sun rise.

Sleep is a time for your body to repair itself. All animals in the wild, think about chickens, and think about cows, and horses, and whatever it may be, they go to sleep with the sun down. The chickens find their roost, they find their safety and they go to sleep. We should be no different.

Now you can do whatever you want in your life, but I’m giving you these optimal tips to best your health. Whatever time you are going to bed, at the average time is midnight in the United States, go to sleep earlier, make it 11pm instead of midnight, but do not sit up on your device, your phone or whatever it may be, staring at the television set into that blue light. You’re in for a major disaster.

If you are awake and have to be awake, get blue blocker glasses that block out that blue spectrum. Therefore, increase the red spectrum which helps with sleep and helps to mitigate the nasty blue light damage from artificial light, but in short go to sleep with the sun down, awake with the sun rise, and that is a super healthy tip from Dr. Jack Wolfson.

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