Episode 33 with Special Guest Dr Pat Boulogne

To live our best and most beautiful life we want and need to be in our best health. My guest in this episode, Dr Pat Boulogne can help you do just that.

Dr Pat is a mentor and coach; an Executive Life Empowerment Strategist who helps executives and entrepreneurs to achieve their greatest goals in less time with proven science-based programs. It’s wonderful to see a professional with both medical and functional medicine training.

In this episode, we talk about many things to do with living in your best health and with your best mindset. Your quality of life is worth three minutes of your time!
You will have a better understanding of where to focus your Time, Energy, and Money to better health.


00:00 Theme intro
00:30 Intro to my guest Dr Pat
02:15 How Pat started her career.
08:00 After retirement Pat started again – why?
08:50 Dr Pat’s observations while walking through Boston’s financial district and reactions from people she spoke to. Shocking results of blood and urine analyses of people all across the USA.
12:45 Why Pat wrote “Why Are You Are Fat, Sick and Tired”
14:15 Every individual has unique health and wellness needs. How to Start a personal transformation to a more vibrant you.
16:15 Cooking from scratch at home is good but what about the sprayed crops?
17:50 6 week program: high performance mind & health to get you back to basics currently in the pilot stage.
21:40 Why Pat wrote her book and why you need it.
25:45 Where your headache is can indicate where in your body is sick – all based on Chinese Medicine.
28:45 Pat’s great equation: Positive Mental Attitude + Positive Mindset + Superior Wellness Initiatives = SUCCESS, how she wrote it and how to get her free download for a morning routine. Hint, most successful people have a morning routine!
33:00 Dr Pat’s kind complimentary discovery session.
36:00 Watch a short video and get your short snapshot health assessment.

Check out Dr Pat’s links here:

Website: https://healthteamnetwork.com/

Contact: info@healthteamnetwork.com and, drpatb@gmail.com

Free discovery call to find out what’s holding you back: https://meetdrpat.as.me/HTN

Get your health snapshot: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FK22GIkxPUdWN1aC79ilfRGKI9VOmLww4AOc4ywCxj8/prefill

Get your copy of: Strategies For Waking Up More Productive In 5 Easy Steps!
by Dr Patricia Boulogne, here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16-6BRE26EPWuBokvLL96OcYb8xvRaowe/view

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drpatboulogne/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AskDrPat

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DrPatBoulogne/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrPatB

Rather listen to a podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1929948/12516090-episode-33-with-special-guest-dr-pat-boulogne.mp3?download=true

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Your life is for living, so go out and live it! Have your best and most beautiful life! To find out more about your host, you can find all Jill’s links here.
