Vegan and GOD: Nathaniel Jordan "The Minister of Wellness"

I shot this “run & gun” (sorry for the poor quality) in March 2020 after videographing his incredible talk that you can see here: Also check out the books are below!

I didn’t put this video up right away because it was shot in a rush and I just wasn’t very happy with how it turned out. Plus, I got derailed by my 2020 quarantine project where I found, bought, fixed up a house in proximity to Dr. Garth Davis so I could video him on a regular basis (then 5 videos in he suddenly moved back to Texas, so now I’m 50K in the hole ☹). Then I started doing more professional videos with my newer camera gear this just seemed out of place. But I kept it for a rainy day. And, it’s not really at all a rainy day but hey, thought I’d post it anyway because The Minister of Wellness is so AWESOME.

I am not at all a religious or spiritual person. But I would definitely go to this man’s church. He speaks powerfully, passionately, and straight up! And he’s a student and proud promoter of Dr. Joel Fuhrman which I super duper dig! It’s also important because so many people use religion as an excuse to eat animals. So, we need people like The Minister of Wellness to set them straight!

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For more awesome vegans check out our playlist “Vegan Stories, Insights & Perspectives”

To experience 50 different influential vegan authors get the book “Vegan Voices”! Purchase through our affiliate link here

For books by The Minister of Wellness visit his website. Since he learned under Dr. Fuhrman I have included links to some of Furhman’s books below:
Eat to Live Quick and Easy Cookbook: 131 Delicious Recipes for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Reversing Disease, and Lifelong Health:

Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss:

The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes:

Eat to Live Cookbook: 200 Delicious Nutrient-Rich Recipes for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Reversing Disease, and Lifelong Health:

Super Immunity: The Essential Nutrition Guide for Boosting Your Body’s Defenses to Live Longer, Stronger, and Disease Free:

Dr Joel Fuhrman’s book “Eat to Live” and many other are a galvanizing force in the paradigm shift toward a healthier world. He is president of the Nutritional Research Foundation, a New York Times Best Selling Author, PBS personality, and coined the Nutritarian diet.

If you’re vegan be sure to join!

1:13 What challenges did you have going vegan and how did you overcome them?
2:06 What resources do you recommend?
4:11 What about those who say
“God put animals here for us to eat”?
6:06 What scriptures suggest
being vegan?
7:37 How can a church go about implementing or sharing this message without turning off of shunning away people?
9:06 What are you thoughts on animal based diets like Atkins, Paleo, Keto, Carnivore?
10:54 What do you say to those who say we’ve evolved to eat meat?
12:34 How can we book you to speak at a church or event?
