What I have learned as a female founder

When I started JSHealth, I never imagined it would grow so much. I am so grateful for my community and team, who have been there every step of the journey! I have been reflecting on being a female leader lately and wanted to share some of my thoughts. Above all, I believe in leading with kindness and compassion always.

I am committed to growth for good

My motivation for growing the brand and JSHealth Vitamins is for it to be one that has impact and stands for good. We want to leave a positive mark on the world. 

During these uncertain times, I remind myself of my purpose

Returning to my belief  in my message and formulations is key for me. This belief is what pushes me everyday. I know they can help people live a better life, so nothing can stop that passion to help women. It is my calling. This keeps me going no matter the changing landscape we find ourselves in during the pandemic.

I believe in my team

It’s important to me that I trust my team and let them be – we avoid micromanaging. We want people to feel like their own bosses and bring their strengths to the company. We also VALUE their ideas, input and vision.

Reminding them of our message and purpose is always a motivating factor for them and propels us forward as a unified team, as we all share this vision!

Always listen to your gut…

My biggest mistake I’ve made as a leader is not listening to my intuition. Everytime, it bites you later! So now I am learning to tune in and trust that gut instinct more and more.

It’s important to lead by example… 

I live and breathe the JSHealth life and philosophy, and extend the compassion principle of this to everyone working with us. Truly valuing our team has also been so important for their growth and passion. I’m so proud of the culture we have created together.

My role model for leadership is my father!

He has run his own business his whole life and has learnt the brilliant balance of being kind, but tough enough to build a company. I am still learning and grateful to have him to look up to and share his knowledge with me. 

The one piece of advice I’d give to a new leader is…

Wake up everyday and hold your vision and purpose close to your heart. Remember it through the good times, and even more so through the hard times. Connecting with my vision and purpose has got me through every part of the journey and will continue to be my guiding light. 

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