The Truth About What Conquering Food Addiction Can Do to Put Health Problems Into Remission



Disclaimer: This podcast does not provide medical advice. The content of this podcast is provided for informational or educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health issue without consulting your doctor. Always seek medical advice before making any lifestyle changes.

Join us for a frank and chilling conversation about the reality of getting processed foods and processed food addiction under control. Hear two experts in cancer remission discuss the 10 factors that put advanced cancer into remission, especially improving diet. Get inspired to take action and be an example for loved ones around you.

Liz Curran, M.S. – Co-Director Radical Remission Project Liz Curran is a Certified Radical Remission Workshop Instructor & Health Coach with her Masters of Science in International Marketing from St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia and coaching certifications from the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches (NBHWC), The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, as well as. from the Radical Remission Project. After caring for her sister with an aggressive breast cancer diagnosis, it has been Liz’s mission to empower others to find their voice and play an active role in their health with the foundational healing factors of Radical Remission.

Liz Curran
Co-Director of the Radical Remission Project
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The Health Navigators
A Virtual Cancer Wellness Community
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Socials: @healthnavs

Joan Ifland. Dr. Ifland has been creating breakthroughs in recovery from food addiction from 1999 with the publication of her first popular book. In 2018 her textbook was published, Processed Food Addiction: Foundations, Assessment, and Recovery (CRC Press) and she founded the online peer support, The Addiction Reset Community (ARC). The textbook is the first academic publication describing how to diagnose and treat processed food addiction, as well as establishing the scientific basis for the disease.

Dr. Ifland’s work is based on findings that processed food addiction can be severe and that addicted people are often traumatized. These findings shifted the field to more comprehensive programs designed to resolve stress, isolation, and mobility issues. Reset Week is the first online live program for withdrawal (2018). ARC Manager Training (AMT) produces ARC leaders and leads to the Food Addiction Recovery Advocate (FARA) Certification (2020). Today she is developing the Remission Optimistic Community (ROC) to support remission of diagnoses labeled as ‘incurable.’

Dr. Ifland and her team have created numerous innovative online resources for food addicts. was released in 2022 to provide remission programming to people who have received an ‘incurable’ diagnosis. was established in 2021 to provide comprehensive recovery services to diverse populations. RESET Week is the first home-based online live video program to support people through the acute phase of withdrawal from processed foods (2018). and the Facebook Group, Food Addiction Education (2014).
The website, Food Addiction Resources,, provides free evidence-based handouts (2104).

She wrote the popular book, Dr. Ifland’s Meal Prep Manual, which is a breakthrough system to easily manage meals for recovery from food addiction (2018).
