πWhen it comes to products for your scalp -you want it to do two things:
1.Stimulate hair follicles to grow hair
2. Heal inflammatory scalp conditions (dandruff -itchiness)
πEssential oils like rosemary, lavender, and clary sage all have many different properties to help your hair & scalp-one way is: by stimulating blood flow to the scalp/hair follicles-helping those follicles come back to life so it can actually be a healthy environment to grow hair
π& at the same time these essentials oils help heal all types of scalp inflammation
πTuesdays=health tips
πWhen EMU OIL is added to a blend-it helps carry all the other ingredients thru every layer of skin so they can work better within your scalp
β‘οΈWe have 5 different blends in our A&B Oil Blend collection & the one we formulated for hair growth & healing the scalp is called:
πClick link in bio to get more information & to order
πCheck out the testimonies on our page
πOur CEO Candice is a Certified Natural Health Counselor & she put a lot of time & love into researching the perfect essential oils to go into every blend
β‘οΈKnowing that our products have helped so many brings us joy here at DWD LIFESTYLE
πAll of our blends are safe for kids
Here is a list of the essential oil blends and their uses:
β€οΈβEASE THE FEELINGβ helps with all types of pain
β€οΈβGROW IT OUTβ helps with hair growth stimulation
& scalp conditions
β€οΈβDEEP BREATHβ helps with cleansing/clearing the
lungs & respiratory system
β€οΈβWOO-SAHβ helps you de-stress/calm/relax
β€οΈβTHINK IT OVERβ helps you focus/concentrate
Follow the page: @dwdlifestyle
πThey can be shipped all over the United States. Click the link on my bio to order yours today!
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