How To Make Challah Bread | Easy Garlic Rosemary Challah Bread Recipe

Looking to make the best challah bread?
This is one of my favorite challah bread recipes – with a fun and tasty twist!

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Challah is a traditional Jewish bread made during festival celebrations and often for the Sabbath.

There are many symbols included in the making and eating of challah.

First of all, traditionally two loaves are made, which symbolize the two portions of Manna the Lord provided on Fridays during the Israelites’ time in the desert to allow them to observe the Sabbath.

There is great purpose in setting aside time to remember and reflect on all God has done. And great blessing.

As we’ll see below, we as Christians are part of God’s chosen people. He never meant for our worship of Him to be separated from Jewish celebrations and festivals.

Challah Bread Symbolism
As there is with many foods in the Bible and from traditional Jewish recipes, there are connections between the ingredients and our relationship with God.

The ingredients in challah bread are no exception. They can represent the following spiritual truths and promises:

– Water: Salvation & Cleansing

– Yeast: Growth & Expansion

– Honey: Provision from God

– Olive oil: Anointed (those in Christ)

– Salt: Covenant with God through Jesus

– Eggs: Life

– Flour: Jesus as the Bread of Life

Mixing and kneading the dough by hand is a wonderful opportunity to pray for those in your life.

We can pray for the specific things listed above for our loved ones, or for other needs, such as chronic or terminal illnesses, pain, financial difficulties, or emotional struggles.

As you mix and knead the dough, think about who you can pray for.

– Family members

– Church members

– Church leaders

– Neighbors

– Government leaders

– Missionaries

– Those in the Church facing persecution

If you’re anything like me, the list of people needing prayer can be very long. However, make sure not to over-knead your dough!

I’ve prayed for you! That as you read this post and make this scrumptious challah bread, the Lord will remind you of His love and will bless you with His best riches of mercy, grace, peace, joy, and more!

Additionally, I pray this bread blesses you beyond what you can imagine.

This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Reeder and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Annette Reeder nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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