One-Third of Stroke Survivors Experience Epilepsy & Depression

While most healthcare providers focus on the gravity of acute strokes, they often fall short to turn an eye towards the long-term health implications of such strokes.

“Post-stroke epilepsy follows closely behind at 10-12 percent, while post-stroke depression, though significant, stands at 5-9 percent. A third of all stroke patients fall prey to these health issues. Regrettably, 50 percent of stroke survivors go undiagnosed of such post-stroke complications,” said Dr. Sanjay Pandey, HoD, Department of Neurology, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad.

“Long-term consequences, including post-stroke epilepsy, movement disorders, chronic pain, and paralysis, significantly erode one’s quality of life. Joint deformities, facial asymmetry, contractures, and bedsores are also common. Stroke can have its impact on a patient’s mental health too in the form of anxiety, depression, memory lapses, and concentration difficulties.” In some cases, individuals may develop vascular dementia, which can present itself like Alzheimer’s disease.


Cognitive challenges arising out of stroke can impair fundamental tasks such as eating, bathing, and everyday activities for which an individual then has to rely on caregivers. The lingering effects of a stroke can lead to an enduring state of dependence and, in many instances, a loss of employment,” Dr. Pandey said.

India’s Alarming Stroke Burden

India has a high burden of stroke: approximately 18 lakh strokes strike each year, translating to one stroke every 40 seconds, with one stroke-related death occurring every 4 minutes. The recent Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) study reveals that India shoulders the heaviest load, accounting for 68.6 percent of stroke incidences, 70.9 percent of stroke-related fatalities, and a staggering 77.7 percent of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost.

Importantly, “about 15-20 percent of the patients are under the age of 40″, Indian Stroke Association (ISA) President, Dr. Anand Alurkar, said.”Incidence of stroke is on the rise in the country. According to one study, it has almost doubled in the past decade. The challenge in stroke cases is identifying the symptoms and ensuring timely treatment,”

Dr. Alurkar said, while speaking at the National Stroke Conclave 2023 in Ahmedabad on Friday.Diabetes, high cholesterol levels, hypertension, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are some of the risk factors for stroke. Even children are falling prey, doctors noted.

“What is very alarming is that we are witnessing a higher number of stroke cases among children aged than 20 years. The GBD stroke project reports that 31 percent of the 5.2 million strokes recorded were among children aged less than 20 years,” Dr. Prashant Chaudhary, Sr consultant, Neuro Surgery, Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, told IANS.

He emphasized the need to develop proactive stroke prevention efforts, especially among younger and middle-aged populations.

Reference :

  1. World Stroke Day 2023 – (

Source: IANS

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