Delta Variant Might be Responsible for 86% of COVID Cases Among Vaccinated Indians

Researchers collected throat and nasal swabs from the patients and used genomic analyses to characterize the cases. In addition to this, the symptoms of the patients were also recorded.

‘Among 677 vaccinated individuals, 71% developed symptomatic COVID-19, while 29% had an asymptomatic infection. Only about 0.4% of the infected ones died.’

Based on the findings, they reported that

• Around 71% of the cases were symptomatic, and 29% were asymptomatic

• The widely prevalent symptoms were fever (69%), body ache, headache and nausea (56%), cough (45%), sore throat (37%), loss of smell and taste (22%), diarrhea (6%), breathing issues (6%), and eye-related disorders (1%)

The study also reported that only 0.4% of the infected persons died due to COVID-19. It is important to note that both Covaxin and Covishield are effective against the delta variant, according to the statement of the Health Ministry.

Source: Medindia

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