A Clinical Focus – Medicine Panel

Tags: medicine, THC, CBD, disease, treatment, cancer, cannabis

A Clinical Focus

Moderator: John Malanca
Panelists: Bonni Goldstein, PhD; Dustin Sulak, DO; Eloise Theisen, NO, AGPCNP-BC; Kevin Spelman, PhD, MCPP;

Cannabis is becoming widely accepted as a medical option for treatment of disease and troublesome symptoms in the United States and around the world. As such, the need for education is critical to ensure proper understanding, use and oversight of this unique and essential plant. With so many actions, cannabis is truly a gateway to personalized medicine. Age, weight, current health condition, disease state, sensitivity, and drug to drug interactions play an integral part of treatment, dosing regimen and targeted outcomes. Our esteemed panel will discuss and answer some of the reasons why cannabis is essential to wellness, yet not a one size fits all medicine. Join us for the Clinical Discussion!
