A Good Night's Sleep | CREATION Health Wellness Training

Did you ever wake up tired even when you think you got a good night’s sleep? Studies show that shallow sleep and chronic sleep loss increase the likelihood of many ailments – diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, heart disease and obesity. It also decreases your ability to concentrate and leads to accidents. You’ve probably heard that stimulants near bedtime. Like caffeine and even TV can interfere with your sleep. But did you know that the room where you sleep also impacts how well you rest? First, too much light is a problem whereas darkness increases melatonin in the brain and that promotes sleep. Try starting a routine 20 minutes before bedtime. Dim your lights throughout your home. Make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible. Limit lights from clocks, computers, and TV. Also, too much commotion and noise can also cause shallow sleep or wake you – like movements from pets in bed, a partner with restless legs or who likes to read in bed, noise from snoring or TV. Controlling the room temperature is also important. A hot room forces your body to use energy it needs to reduce your internal body temperature. So try to keep it cool. Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your body. Now that’s CREATION Health.
