A Pain Free Formula That Can Work for You, with Cynthia Austim

Cynthia Austin is a pain coach that is an “expert on coaching the chronic pain experience”.
She is the founder of My Pain Coach, LLC, a company that specializes in helping people find their
Pain-Free Formula so that they can create lives they love and do the things they enjoy every day. Cynthia is a nationally board-certified health and wellness coach in the United States that has her own chronic pain recovery story that led to
her becoming a certified pain coach.
She works passionately to support clients and to educate the medical community that “pain management” is managing the “negative status quo” when using only the biomedical model
in addressing chronic pain and that we can recover from chronic pain when we use the right evidence-based tools
through a biopsychosocial model.
She has developed a step-by-step system that helps people regain control over their lives after developing chronic pain. Her goal is to help as many people as possible find relief from their chronic pain and get back to doing the things they love on a daily basis.

Cynthia’s story has been featured in VoyageOhio and she has written pieces for Remedy, the US Pain Foundation’s blog
and The Mighty’s blog.
