Adults With Cognition Issues Face Higher Falls Risk


The team included Texas A&M Health Center for Population Health and Aging postdoctoral research associate, Aya Yoshikawa, DrPH; center co-director Matthew Lee Smith, PhD, MPH; and center founding director Marcia G. Ory, PhD, MPH.

The data used were self-reported measures except for cognitive test scores, which were derived from the NHATS validated algorithm based on physician diagnosis, cognitive domain (memory, orientation and executive function) test scores, and AD8 Dementia Screening Interview test scores.

Falls were identified as “yes” or “no” answers to the definition of “any fall, slip, or trip in which you lose your balance and land on the floor or ground or at a lower level” in the past month.

Frequency of taking pain medication in the past month was identified as seven days a week, five to six days a week, two to four days a week, once a week or less, and never. Information about specific pain medications was not identified in this study.

Additional measures included age, race/ethnicity, education, living arrangement, balance or coordination problems, being bothered by pain, and number of chronic conditions.

The researchers found that among the 7,491 community-dwelling participants in the study, 8.3 percent had possible dementia while 8.2 percent had probable dementia.

“Although there was no significant difference in being bothered by pain by cognitive status, people living with dementia took medication for pain more frequently than those with no dementia,” Yoshikawa said.

“Older age, not non-Hispanic white race/ethnicity, lower levels of education, living alone, and having more chronic conditions were associated with people living with dementia versus those with no dementia.

People living with dementia were more likely to report at least one fall in the past month and worry about falling down and balance/coordination.”

Researchers found increased likelihood of recent falls was associated with pain medication among persons with probable dementia, and that taking pain medication two days a week or more was also associated with an increased risk of falls among those with probable dementia.

“These results support that the risk of falls associated with pain medication is elevated among those with higher levels of cognitive impairment,” Yoshikawa said.

“The different relationships of pain medication with falls by cognitive status can be partly explained by the severity of cognitive impairment among older adults.”

“To address the risk of falls associated with pain medication, especially for probable dementia, it is essential to conduct screening and medication reconciliation in the health care system. The provision of education about pain medication and alternative pain management programs is critical to preventing falls,” Yoshikawa said.

“There is need for fall prevention programs that encourage both exercise training for improving one’s balance and reducing worry about falling down through fall management strategies.”

Source: Medindia

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