(OCT), a type of 3D scan that gives a highly detailed image of the cross-section of the retina, from a cohort of 154,830 individuals aged 40 and up who visited eye hospitals in London between 2008 and 2018. The procedure was performed using data from a medical database, and 67,311 healthy participants aged 40 to 69 were evaluated. The researchers discovered that persons with Parkinson’s had a weaker ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer in their eyes. It discovered these markers seven years before clinical manifestation, on average.
since they reveal layers of cells beneath the skin’s surface. Looking at these layers in the years before symptoms appear, according to the researchers, could help diagnose the disease early.
Siegfried Wagner, a clinical research fellow at Moorfields and the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology researcher said, “I continue to be amazed by what we can discover through eye scans. Finding signs of several diseases before symptoms emerge means that, in the future, people could have the time to make lifestyle changes to prevent some conditions arising, and clinicians could delay the onset and impact of life-changing
Louisa Wickham, Moorfields’ medical director said, “Using imaging across a wider population could have a huge impact on public health in the future with the potential for “predictive analysis”. OCT scans are more scalable, non-invasive, lower cost and quicker than brain scans for this purpose.”
The outcomes of the experiment were reported in Neurology, the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology (1 Trusted Source
Eye scans detect signs of Parkinson’s disease up to seven years before diagnosis
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Eye Scans Are Non-Invasive Gateways to Detecting Neurodegenerative Disorders
Claire Bale, associate director of research at Parkinson’s UK said, “Intervening earlier to stop the loss of precious brain cells is the key to preventing the condition. And because the eye scans analyzed in this study are non-invasive and already in routine use, this could be easily put into practice in the NHS.”
Data from eye scans, according to Moorfields, have previously identified indicators of other neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and schizophrenia.
Reference :
- Eye scans detect signs of Parkinson’s disease up to seven years before diagnosis – (https:www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/08/230821174246.htm)
Source: Medindia