AI-powered Smart Face Mask Adjusts to Changing Air Conditions

It is quite customary to wear masks for people who are suffering from breathing difficulties as the masks can filter out the harmful pollutants in the air we breathe. If the air is cleaner, then you don’t have to use masks with tinier pores. It means you’ll have to keep changing masks with different pore sizes to accommodate the changing environment around you. To sort out the issue, the latest dynamic respirator is so useful that it can automatically change its pore sizes according to the pollution levels in the air.

While exercising outdoors wearing the other conventional masks we face difficulty after some time because of the exhaled air being trapped to create a hot sensation, humidity, and bad breath. When we exercise, the increased amount of exhaled air means more discomfort as a result of the trapped air.

How to fix the issue?

The research team designed a dynamic air filter to sort out the issue. Dynamic here means the stretchable or moving micropores that adjust whenever the filter is stretched, so that more air passes through. The filter for this purpose is made out of electronically spun nanofibres having a filtration potential exceeding 95.9%. A stretcher, a miniature air pump, a microsensor, and the microcontroller chip form the mechanism overall.

The sensor is controlled by artificial intelligence software loaded on an external computer, to sense the air quality and respiratory levels of the person who is exercising. When a volunteer exercises in dirty air, the stretcher appropriately produces a lesser rise in pore size than when they exercise in cleaner air.

Source: Medindia

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