Another Suspected Bird Flu Case Reported in South Korea

There is no poultry farm within one kilometer of the farm in question.

Health authorities have cordoned off the site and taken other precautionary measures to prevent the potential spread of the disease outside the farm, the authorities said.

The country has been reporting a slew of bird flu cases since November this year.

Meanwhile, in northern Israel, 5,000 cranes were found dead at the Hula Lake Reserve, amid an outbreak of avian flu that has also seen the culling of more than half a million chickens and turkeys, the Times of Israel reported.

Three other outbreaks of bird flu were discovered in chicken coops in Ein HaHoresh in the Hefer Valley, the Ram-On moshav in Gilboa, and Givat Yoav in the Golan Heights Ynet reported on Monday.

The centers have been isolated, and there is active monitoring of additional farms in the area.

Source: IANS

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