April: National Stress Awareness Month (Sunday 4/14/2024)

[Disclaimer: The FDA has not evaluated these comments. Testimonials are anecdotal. What happens to one person may or may not happen to you. Neither Micro Daily, nor any Engage Global products are a cure or treatment for any disease.]

In this video I discuss the role CBD plays in addressing anxiety and STRESS. It does far more than I imagined! This discussion includes two testimonials that even left Dr Prasad speechless…

1. Freddie Ivory shares her story of severe anxiety disorder and more…
2. Sheron Witherspoon’s touching story will blow you away…

These stories were pretty amazing to hear!

This is the link to the research done at the University of Oregon on CBD from Hemp: https://today.oregonstate.edu/news/oregon-state-research-shows-hemp-compounds-prevent-coronavirus-entering-human-cells

This link shows that the NAC in Micro Daily also binds to the Spike Protein on the SARS-CoV2 virus: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33177829/

This link shows that BOTH NAC and Glutathione bind to SARS-CoV2:

If you would like to try the products mentioned just get back to the person who shared this video with you; all others can visit “NaturalA1cHelp.com” (Request more information to get a free sample.)
