Ask Me Anything! Doctor Rita (Live), the Wellness Physician

Live Q&A (Question and Answer) with Rita Ellithorpe, MD, founder and medical director of Tustin Longevity Center in Southern California.

Join us tonight at 6:00 PM PST and post your questions for the doctor to answer in the chat. Can’t attend live? Submit your question(s) on our web form and we’ll notify you if your question is selected and answered by the doctor:

Patients are sick of feeling like just another number in a crowded healthcare system. At Tustin Longevity Center (TLC), we have answered the call by providing personalized integrative and functional medicine treatment plans that address all aspects of our patients’ physical, mental, and emotional well-being, ensuring the best health outcomes. Our dedicated team of knowledgeable doctors and caring staff work together to make sure every patient feels heard, supported, and empowered to take charge of their health.

Let us help you embody your highest level of healthy living!

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and is not to be treated as personal medical advice. Consult your personal physician before making any changes to your health plan.
