Can We Become Addicted To Anxiety?
Many people never consider the idea of becoming addicted to anxiety. Today we’re going to get brutally honest with ourselves and our anxiety disorders. Why do we become addicted to anxiety in the first place?…
I see Rochelle's Threz "R's" in your future
Many people never consider the idea of becoming addicted to anxiety. Today we’re going to get brutally honest with ourselves and our anxiety disorders. Why do we become addicted to anxiety in the first place?…
The researchers wanted to understand dynamic growth changes that occur from childhood through adolescence due to maternal nutrition during pregnancy. Particularly, they wanted to see if there are distinct periods between birth and adolescence when…
How to prevent anxiety you may ask? Today we dive deep into ‘state breaking,’ a technique that will halt the cycle of anxiety from forming. Prevention is always best. To lead our inner child (watch…
“We hope to test clofazimine in a Phase 2 clinical trial as soon as possible for people who test positive for Covid-19 but are not hospitalized. Since there is currently no outpatient treatment available for…
I woke up this morning with a deep desire to share with you some of the vital points from this weeks YouTube video. Why you may ask? Because during my anxiety disorder there were things that…