Aviva and the Flying Penguins – Cannabis Car

THIS is old news and #Historical !

This video was made in honor of HEMP HISTORY WEEK before HEMP was “LEGAL”

This video was shot by VISION CAMP MEDIA

And… by the way… check out the REAL Cannabis Car (find the video on this channel)

Play and sing along to:
by, Aviva

DRUMS start
and then

Instrumental Chorus:
Chorus (4x) / D / A / C / G /

Chorus (4x) / D / A / C / G /:
Don’t you want a car that runs on cannabis?

{harmonies: on Don’t you want: Bb E }

Verse 1: (4x) / Dm / F / C / Am /
You got a nice life
You got a nice wife
You’re working hard for your money
You’ve got to slave to survive
But the gas prices never cease to rise

Chorus (4x) / D / A / C / G /: Don’t you want a car that runs on cannabis?

Verse 2: (4x) / Dm / F / C / Am / – instrumental with trumpet

(3x) / Dm / F / C / Am /
But can you run a car on cannabis? (different voice sings/says this- male voice)
Henry Ford he invented the design (woman’s voice): “research and ye shall find”)
How nice it would be to not smell like gasoline

Dm / F / Am / C /
Every time I take my car

Seguey: (4x) Dm/ F / G / C G /
for a ride (cymbol dadada)
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

(1x) Dm/ F /G / C C /
Hemp my ride …. Doop Doop

Chorus (4x) / D / A / C / G /: Don’t you want a car that runs on cannabis

Verse 3: (4x) / Dm / F / C / Am /
Now mama earth she would agree
Use cannabis for paper and not a tree
Use cannabis for clothing instead of cotton
It even grows wild without the pesticides that give us cancer!! (said like zombies)

(vocalists start chorus as this note is held out)

Chorus (4x) / D / A / C / G /: Don’t you want a car that runs on cannabis
OO funa a Kuya kule Cannabis

Verse 4: (2x) / Dm / F / C / Am /
Some people say that oil pollutes
And drilling into the ground is killing our roots . . . . .

(on ‘killing’ everyone cuts out except Djembe. when solo is done shouts ‘Wazzup’ at which point the drumset counts us in to the next line:)

(4x) / Dm / F / C / Am /
. .All the farmers in Iraq could be digging for food (“FOOD”- everyone shouts at the same time )
But instead they’re drilling for oil, it’s the government’s rule
But we could easily be a hero
Just make hemp production legal!! (vocalists start chorus as this note is held out)

Chorus (4x) / D / A / C / G /: Don’t you want a car that runs on cannabis
OO funa a Kuya kule Cannabis

Chorus (4x) / D / A / C / G /: Don’t you want a car that runs on cannabis (3x)
Georgia Washington knew it, George Washington even grew it

Seguey: 4x) Dm/ F / G / C G /
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

then claps

then end on DDDDDDDDDD
Optional Ending: GF Eb D
