Building the Case for Reparations: Asheville/Buncombe Reparations Commission Panel

Apologies – The stream for this event is incomplete and got cut short due to technological issues outside of our control. This video is missing very small clips throughout and the recording omits the last four responses of this brilliant panel – which were the remaining responses to this last question about what the “reparations ecosystem” could look like to support our communities into equity. Keep an eye out for the Reparations Commission’s recommendations to the City and County that will partially answer this question.

We also encourage you to ask yourself, if you have benefitted from the inequity in our communities: “What can I do to be a part of the “reparations ecosystem” to support our communities into equity?”

Sign the Reparations are Due Pledge, consider becoming a Community Connector, and stay plugged in to this local and historic process.

This panel was hosted by The Racial Justice Coalition and Warren Wilson College, on the community inequities, strengths, and resources that are the foundation on which local reparations will be built.
