Building Wellness: Designing for Body and Mind

We are physical, social, and cultural creatures: design that keeps us genuinely and comprehensively fit recognizes and reflects all of the layers of our lives.

This event will cover evidence and case-studies from research and professional practice, reflecting on building design for body and mind.

Keynote Speaker Biographies

Dr Sally Augustin, Principal, Design with Science

Sally Augustin, PhD, is a practicing environmental/design psychologist and a principal at Design With Science. She has extensive experience integrating science-based insights to develop recommendations for the design of places, objects, and services that support desired cognitive, emotional, and physical experiences.

Her clients include manufacturers, service providers, and design firms in North America, Europe, and Asia. Sally’s work has been discussed in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Forbes, and Psychology Today. Sally is an invited contributor to the online version of the Harvard Business Review. As the editor of Research Design Connections, Sally has written widely on science-based design for a broad audience of people interested in the designed world.

Dr. Augustin, who is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, holds leadership positions in professional organizations such as the American Psychological Association and the Environmental Design Research Association. Dr. Augustin is the author of Place Advantage: Applied Psychology for Interior Architecture (Wiley, 2009) and, with Cindy Coleman, The Designer’s Guide to Doing Research: Applying Knowledge to Inform Design (Wiley, 2012).

Dr Nigel Oseland, Director, Workplace Unlimited and Honorary Senior Lecturer at UCL IEDE

Dr Nigel Oseland is a workplace strategist, change manager, environmental psychologist, researcher, international speaker and published author with 11 years research and 19 years consulting experience. He draws on his psychology background and his own research to advise occupiers on how to redefine their workstyles and rethink their workplace to create working environments that enhance individual and organisational performance and deliver maximum value.

Nigel specialises in strategic briefing and change management to help create workplaces that improve collaboration, enhance creativity, facilitate concentration, meet psychological needs and respond to changing organisational structures. He has advised corporate businesses, public sector bodies and educational institutions in the UK and worked with corporates throughout EMEA.

Nigel is also an active researcher, speaker, lecturer and author. His current topics of interest include psychological needs, psychophysics, productivity, personality factors, remote working, collaboration, creativitry, wellbeing, biophilic design and post occupancy evaluation. In addition, Nigel founded the Workplace Change Organisation and is the programme advisor for the biannual Workplace Trends conferences.

Edward Garrod, Principal at Elementa Consulting

Edward Garrod joined Elementa Consulting, a leading ‘Deep Green Engineering’ practice, as Head of Sustainability in 2014. He is a well-known advocate of health and wellbeing in buildings in the UK, speaking at industry and academic conferences and providing pro bono training to over 1,000 built environment professionals in the UK over the past 2 years.

In December 2016 he became the first Fitwel Ambassador in Europe and in March 2017 was responsible for achieving the first Fitwel Certified workplace in Europe for Elementa’s London office. His team are leading WELL Building Standard feasibility studies for several major projects in the UK and overseas, develop ‘WELL-Ready’ specifications for developers, and undertake ‘Health Checks’ for existing workspaces to develop strategies to enhance health and wellbeing.

He is an advisor to the newly launched MSc in Health, Wellbeing and Sustainable Buildings at University College London and is jointly leading the research for the British Council for Offices recently announced “Wellness Matters” initiative.

Victoria Lockhart, Director of Business Development: Europe, International WELL Building Institute

Victoria brings expertise in sustainable green building practices alongside a passion for leveraging medical insights and new technologies to enhance human experience and wellbeing. She is amongst the first global cohort of Accredited Professional (AP) trained in the WELL Building Standard®, and provides support to the industry as a WELL Faculty member.

She was part of the core team developing the new health and wellbeing consultancy service at global consulting engineering firm Arup, and in 2017, joined the International WELL Building InstituteTM (IWBI) – a public benefit corporation whose mission is to improve human health and wellbeing through the built environment.
