Calming Yoga For Wellness | Unique Yoga Postures to Release Stress & Body Stiffness

Join Angelica in a yoga practice led by Chapel Hill, North Carolina yoga instructor Aviva Tulasi, after which Raleigh, North Carolina vocalist, musician, and composer Paula C Snyder will provide a live performance.

Get tickets to Angelica & Aviva’s event:

To purchase the song Look For The Joy by Paula C Snyder:

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To contact:
Angelica Chapman:
Aviva Tulasi:
Paula C Snyder:

Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

Yoga Performer: Angelica Chapman
Yoga Instructor: Aviva Tulasi
Vocalist/Musician Performer: Paula C Snyder
Video Production: JoQuon Chapman


Learn more about Angelica:

To overcome chronic stress in her 20s that led to her nearly dying from a high blood pressure crisis, Angelica committed to the challenge of 45-days of Yoga and it changed her life.

“Hi, I am Angelica Chapman
…and I suffer from high blood pressure and despite being mindful of my food intake and activity I received the same script patients get thousands of times, “It’s hereditary and you’ll be taking medication for the rest of your life.

After trying just about every diet and workout routine out of desperation I decided to share what has worked for me to help people live their lives to the fullest.

I am a Certified Breath Coach & Health and Wellness Advocate. I’ve helped hundreds of people with developing healthy living habits.

My main goal is to educate people on how to manage their stress and anxiety while advocating healthy lifestyle choices to maintain healthy Blood Pressure and keep their heart working well.”


Official website:

Want to increase accountability? Learn how regulating your breath might help you feel less stressed and anxious.
To start your free consultation, click the link.

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Get tickets to Angelica & Aviva’s event:

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