Can B12 Deficiency Be a Trigger for Chronic Inflammation?

A significant association has been established between a deficiency in vitamin B12 and the occurrence of chronic inflammation, a condition linked to various health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, the research examined the effects of circulating B12 concentration on the levels of two key inflammatory markers in both humans and mice. A team of researchers in Spain have investigated the effects of vitamin B12 on the levels of two molecules in the body which promote inflammation, specifically interleukin (IL)-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP).

Mediterranean Diet’s Impact on Cardiovascular Health

Rosa M Lamuela-Raventos, professor of nutrition, food sciences and gastronomy at INSA-University of Barcelona and Ines Dominguez Lopez, a predoctoral researcher at the University of Barcelona led the study published in Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.They utilised samples from a randomized subsection of participants in a large clinical trial based in Spain, designed to assess the effect of the Mediterranean diet on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

An assessment of the serum levels of vitamin B12 and the concentrations of the inflammatory markers revealed a correlation between the two.

“We already know that vitamin B12 deficiency can be harmful in many ways, but what we have reported here is a novel relationship. This might help us better understand why some unexplained symptoms of human B12 deficiency, like neurologic defects, occur,” the authors wrote.Surprisingly, the researchers noted that unlike humans, mice do not become B12 deficient with age.

“We didn’t know this before, and it poses the possibility that studying mice could potentially help us understand how we could prevent B12 deficiency in older humans,” said Kovatcheva.

Source: IANS

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