Can Standing and Eating Increase the Risk of Intestinal Cancer?


  • Eating while standing increases the risk of cancers, in particular, esophageal and colorectal cancer
  • Standing meals impair the normal functioning of the intestines, and disrupt coordinated movements of various muscles leading to poor digestion and cancer risk
  • This underscores the significance of mindful consideration of both dietary habits and eating posture for overall health

Eating while standing, a common practice in many cultures and fast-paced lifestyles has become a topic of interest and concern in relation to digestive health and potential risks of certain cancers. This habit involves consuming meals or snacks in an upright position, often on the go or in situations where sitting down for a proper meal is not feasible.
While this practice may seem convenient, it has garnered attention from experts in the medical field who suggest that it could have adverse effects on the digestive system.

One prominent concern raised by healthcare professionals at PGI Chandigarh is the potential link between eating while standing and an increased risk of certain cancers, particularly those affecting the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.


Esophageal Cancer Risk

Head of the department at PGI Chandigarh, Dr. Rakesh Kapoor emphasized that eating and drinking while standing can lead to difficulties, particularly acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing irritation and inflammation.

Improper functioning of the esophageal muscles may occur when eating in a standing position. Over time, this condition can contribute to the development of esophageal cancer (1 Trusted Source
Unrestrained eating behavior and risk of digestive system cancers: a prospective cohort study

Go to source).

Did You Know?

Consuming meals while standing may contribute to weight gain by increasing hunger, as faster digestion can leave you feeling less satisfied. Additionally, eating while walking can lead to distractions, potentially prompting overeating even when satiety has been reached. Opting for an upright sitting posture during meals is generally considered beneficial for digestion, as gravity aids in the smooth passage of food from the stomach to the intestines.


Digestive Disruption

Eating in a standing position can disrupt the normal digestive process. The digestive system relies on coordinated movements of various muscles to move food through the digestive tract efficiently. When a person eats while standing, it may interfere with these natural processes, requiring more effort from the intestines to digest the food properly.


Bloating Risks

The relationship between eating while standing and digestion extends to the potential for bloating, particularly when it comes to the digestion of carbohydrates. While standing eating might speed up the digestive process, it may also lead to poor digestion in certain cases, especially with regard to carbohydrates.

In the context of carbohydrates, poor digestion can result in undigested particles reaching the colon, where they can ferment and produce gas. This fermentation process can lead to bloating and discomfort. Two specific groups of people- those who are lactose intolerant and those sensitive to FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) are more likely to experience bloating while standing and eating.

Colorectal Cancer Risk

Dr. Kapoor also highlighted that eating in a standing position elevates the risk of colorectal cancer. The disruption to the normal digestive process may impact the functioning of the intestines. Colorectal cancer is often associated with factors such as diet, and any habits that increase the workload on the intestines may contribute to a higher risk.

Read More to Know About ‘Eating While Standing May Up Stress and Mute Taste Buds’

It’s important to note that while these points are raised by experts, scientific evidence may vary, and individual health conditions can differ. The relationship between standing and eating habits and the development of cancer is a complex and multifaceted topic.

However, the advice from experts underscores the importance of considering dietary habits and their potential impact on digestive health and cancer risk. Individuals concerned about their digestive health or cancer risk should consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice based on their specific circumstances.


  1. Unrestrained eating behavior and risk of digestive system cancers: a prospective cohort study – (


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