Can Your Hair Products Cause Cancer?

Your favorite hair products might come with a risk: studies link hair dyes and straighteners to breast cancer. Stay informed, stay safe.

 Can Your Hair Products Cause Cancer?

  • Permanent hair dye users face a 9% higher risk of breast cancer compared to non-users
  • Hair straightening treatments increase the risk of breast cancer by 30% due to carcinogens like formaldehyde
  • Ingredients like resorcinol and endocrine-disrupting chemicals in hair products may interfere with hormones and contribute to cancer risk

As the beauty and cosmetic industries evolve, new skincare, haircare, and hair styling products continue to enter the market. However, the safety of several of these products has been called into question due to potential health risks.

A study undertaken by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and published in the International Journal of Cancer found a disturbing link between the use of permanent hair colors and chemical hair straighteners and an elevated risk of breast cancer (1).

Hair Colors Increase Risk of Cancer

The study discovered that using permanent hair dye increased the risk of acquiring breast cancer by 9% when compared to non-users.

As more individuals embrace these goods, it is critical to understand their possible effects on the body. Dr. Pritam Kataria, Consultant in Medical Oncology at Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, describes how some hair products can raise the risk of breast cancer.

Hair products contain endocrine disrupting compounds (EDC) and carcinogens that may be linked to breast cancer in women. EDC is a chemical that interferes with the body’s hormonal system, mimicking or blocking hormones and causing cancer. Carcinogens cause cancer by destroying DNA or altering normal cell processes in the body.

Resorcinol, an ingredient in hair colors, can disrupt hormone function and cause allergic reactions.

Hair Straightening Treatments Increase Cancer Risk

The study discovered that women who used hair straighteners were 30% more likely to get breast cancer. Formaldehyde, found in high doses in several keratin hair straightening treatments, is a recognized human carcinogen.


However, he expands: “It’s important to note that the factors mentioned above do not definitively mean that these hair products cause breast cancer.”

Breast cancer development can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the environment, lifestyle, and family history.



  1. Permanent hair dye and straighteners may increase breast cancer risk


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