Cannabis and psychedelics news Today April 4, 2022 By

Hello, My Four Twenty Spot Family hope everyone is doing GREAT today.

In the news today April 4th, 2022:

The House of Representatives voted to federally legalize marijuana. The bill now heads to the Senate, where Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will soon file his cannabis bill.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden agrees with most Democratic lawmakers that “our current marijuana laws are not working,” but declined to specify if he supports the House’s legalization bill hours earlier.

Days after approving legalization, the House of Representatives is set to vote Monday on a bill to remove barriers to conducting marijuana research—including by allowing access to dispensary products. The Senate passed separate cannabis science legislation last month.

The Maryland House of Delegates and Senate officially voted to put a marijuana legalization referendum on the November ballot and send Gov. Larry Hogan (R) a separate bill to begin implementation if voters approve the reform.

A large number of lawmakers weighed in with reactions to the House passing a federal marijuana legalization bill. Noting the Senate’s failure to act on cannabis, for example, bill sponsor Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) said, “Sometimes I think we’d be better off if we didn’t have a Senate.”

Cannabis Caucus Co-chair Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH) explained in a Marijuana Moment op-ed why he was not willing to vote for the only marijuana legalization bill that’s moving in Congress.

Washington State’s treasurer sent a letter urging counterparts in other states to help pressure Congress to pass a marijuana banking bill amid a spate of deadly robberies at largely-cash dispensaries.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said he doesn’t support legalizing marijuana but does see “value” and “legitimacy” in medical cannabis.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said she is unaware of psychedelics legislation advancing in the Georgia legislature.

Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman, currently the lieutenant governor, tweeted, “Today the House passed the MORE Act. It’s a step in the right direction to ending the racist War on Drugs. Like I’ve ALWAYS said Just legalize weed already. Remove from Schedule I Expunge Convictions.   Common sense Homegrown”

Indiana Democratic Senate candidate Thomas McDermott tweeted, “US House of Representatives passes legalized cannabis.  Now the bill heads to the US Senate, where its fate is much less clear. Does @SenToddYoung support legal cannabis? Because I do.”

Texas Democratic congressional candidate Jessica Cisneros criticized incumbent Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) for voting against a marijuana legalization bill, tweeting, “I’ve seen the consequences marijuana charges have in my community and clients I’ve worked with—families are torn, deportations, loss of jobs and housing. The list goes on. Meanwhile, Rep. Cuellar sees criminalization as a way to line the pockets of his private prison donors.”

South Carolina Republican congressional candidate Katie Arrington criticized incumbent Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) for “flip-flopp[ing]” by voting against a marijuana legalization bill.

The House bill to require the Department of Veterans Affairs to study medical cannabis got two new cosponsors for a total of six.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) and Denver’s mayor appeared at the opening of the city’s first licensed marijuana hospitality establishment. Separately, the state treasurer tweeted, “Our legal cannabis businesses should be treated like any other legal businesses in Colorado. #safebanking”

There you have it for today’s news. Let’s have a Fantastic week and thank you for watching this video by
