the STATES Act is the newest congressional effort to bring back sense to the nation’s marijuana laws, so the businesses could actually get a bank account. the Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States (STATES) Act would stop that. Cannabis Industry Lawyer, Tom Howard, explains why we may not want to believe the hype.
If you’re reading this after October 9, 2020, unfortunately, we had to delete all links to outside sources. While Cannabis Legalization News is an educational news show, the very center of many of our discussions is cannabis. Cannabis currently remains federally illegal and YouTube is mandated by federal regulations. We implore you to go to our website “Cannabis Industry Lawyer” and subscribe to our newsletter so you can keep up with all cannabis legalization news. Please always comply with your jurisdiction’s cannabis laws. If they delete our channel, we’re sorry – we tried to comply but they said we did not.