Cannabis News: Elizabeth Warren Discussed How President Joe Biden Could Utilize Presidential Powers

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren discussed how President Joe Biden could utilize his presidential powers to make necessary adjustments to cannabis policies in a conversation on Pod Save America. She addressed how the president might stimulate growth and achieve social equity with a “stroke of a pen” by issuing pardons to persons who have been convicted of federal cannabis offenses.

Although Warren began by suggesting that Biden can work to reduce the “black-white wealth gap” by canceling student debt on his own, she subsequently added that cannabis is the “same kind of issue” and he can handle it unilaterally.

“If you’re a non-violent offender [and] all they’ve got on you is a marijuana charge, let folks go,” Warren said, adding that the idea of “going after marijuana in a war on drugs, gateway drugs—we just realized it never made any sense scientifically and was a way to really engage in a form of oppression of communities of color.”
