Cannabis News: FBI Updates Hiring Policy

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has eased the requirements for aspiring agents who have recently consumed cannabis. The update in cannabis policy was not announced in an official manner by the agency.

The FBI discreetly adjusted its employment practices over the last month, making it so that applicants are only immediately dismissed from entering the organization if they confess to having consumed cannabis within a year of having applied. This is one of the newest indications that the cannabis policy reformation wave is having a federal influence as additional states implement legalization measures. Prior to this, potential agency personnel could not have consumed cannabis in the last three years.

Additionally, FBI policy was updated so that cannabis use “before the candidate’s 18th birthday is not a disqualifier for FBI employment,” although “adjudicative personnel will evaluate the candidate by using the ‘whole-person concept.’”

This comes a year following an FBI division announcing it was “looking into changing internal policy when it comes to the use of CBD products by its agents and other employees” because hemp-derived CBD is now federally legal.

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