Cannabis News: Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Received A Memo From Two Republican US Legislators

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have received a memo from two Republican U.S. legislators condemning their “lack of action” and “continued silence” on federal cannabis policy reform. The Congressional Cannabis Caucus’ co-chairs, Reps. Dave Joyce and Don Young, originally urged that President Biden make efforts to reschedule cannabis within the Controlled Substances Act in July.

The latest memo addresses the Schedule I status of cannabis, which creates “significant research restrictions” and “continues to thwart the treatment of a wide range of patients, including those suffering from cancer as well as veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder to those living with multiple sclerosis and seizure disorders.”

The letter continues: “To be clear, we do not negate the benefit of traditional therapies, but question why the federal government continues to bar access to innovative, proven—and in many cases—safer alternatives.”

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