Cannabis sativa, a super crop – ICA Malawi

ICA Chairman Dr Gama Bandawe explains the incredible characteristics of cannabis that make it a super crop.

Video transcription:

So the great thing about cannabis is that it is known as a super crop. This means that it has got many uses. You can use virtually the entire plant. Up here, we’ve got the flower or the bud. With the bud you’re able to extract oil from this. You’re able to get seeds which you can use and press for oil to generate things like cosmetics and other important oil products and its also a very rich source of fiber, food as well. And then the rest of the wood part of the plant. The outside is a very, very powerful fiber that can be used for rope and fabric and the inside is the stalk which can also be used for things like paper and this amazing stuff here, which is a building material, hemp crete.

Google’s auto translate of the english transcription:

Chifukwa chake chinthu chachikulu chokhudzana ndi chamba ndichakuti amadziwika kuti mbewu yabwino kwambiri. Izi zikutanthauza kuti wagwiritsa ntchito zambiri. Mutha kugwiritsa ntchito pafupifupi chomera chonse. Pamwambapa, tili ndi duwa kapena mphukira. Ndi mphukira mumatha kutulutsa mafuta mu izi. Mukutha kupeza mbewu zomwe mungagwiritse ntchito ndikusindikiza mafuta kuti apange zinthu monga zodzoladzola ndi zinthu zina zofunikira zamafuta komanso gwero lake la michere, chakudya. Kenako gawo lonse la nkhuni. Kunja ndi ulusi wamphamvu kwambiri womwe ungagwiritsidwe ntchito pazingwe ndi nsalu ndipo mkatimo ndi phesi lomwe lingagwiritsidwenso ntchito ngati zinthu monga pepala ndi zinthu zodabwitsa apa, zomwe ndizomanga, hemp crete.

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