CBD + Diabetes | Josh's Review of CBD Capsules & Hemp Heat CBD Lotion for Relief

Introducing our latest reviewer Josh Maillet, an audio engineer, producer, and creative director with diabetes. He is a juggler of jobs and creativity, but the pain from diabetes can sometimes get in the way of life and work.

With over 20 years as a diabetic, the nerve pain started in his feet 8 years ago. After months of online research, Josh found Green Lotus Hemp with links to research articles, news, and legislation. He uses the Hemp Heat Lotion and the #CBD oil capsules; the Hemp Heat Lotion really penetrates into his feet as he is on his feet all day. Josh uses the CBD capsules before bed to relieve pain so he can get to sleep.

#Diabetes can affect every aspect of your life. Can some relief with the help of Green Lotus Hemp! Learn more here: https://goo.gl/P9wTcW

My name is Josh Maillet; I am an audio engineer, producer, and creative director. I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for a little over 20 years now. I was first diagnosed in 1998. Over the course of being a diabetic, I have gotten some nerve pain in my feet maybe 8 years ago. Because of that, I was prescribed a medicine called Gabapentin which is a nerve pain. Ever since that happened to me, I really wanted to find a more herbal and natural way of relieving my nerve pain.

I did some research online, looked through hundreds and hundreds of pages and I found out about CBD oil. So i went to try and find it the nearest place I could find it, and my friend tagged me in a video, a Green Lotus Hemp video actually online. I looked at their website, they have tons and tons of information, more than any other CBD oil that I had researched before. I decided to order both the cap gels and the Hemp Heat cream.

The Hemp Heat to deeply penetrate into my feet. It’s great for a long day of work when I am on my feet, running around. I take the cap gels (capsules) before I go to bed; it helps me sleep through the pain. Being a Type 1 diabetic, it really affects every aspect of your life. I wake up I am a diabetic, I go to sleep I am a diabetic. I try to be more than that, going through life being more than a diabetic, persevering through everything life throws at me. Music has been the number one thing that has helped me.

Diabetes might be a part of my life, but with music, it has given me purpose. The fact that I can get up, be on my feet, go in the studio, write a piano part, play a drums part or a guitar part and are able to make something special like that is what gives me purpose.
