CBD stops coronavirus in lab studies, but experts say weed may not protect you from COVID in real li

Two recent studies have found that certain cannabis molecules show the potential to block the ability of the coronavirus to replicate — but only in the lab.

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Early evidence suggests that cannabinoids can prevent SARS-CoV-2 from replicating in laboratory cultures and in rodents.

Scientists don’t know how much CBD humans need to take to see this effect.

The study’s authors caution against the use of marijuana to prevent or cure COVID-19.

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There is no shortage of claims that cannabidiol (CBD) can cure your ailments. Cannabis-derived compounds have been marketed as panacea for chronic pain, insomnia and anxiety — often with little scientific evidence to back it up.

Now, two studies have found that CBD and other marijuana ingredients can stop the coronavirus from multiplying in the lab, but scientists don’t yet know if this translates to humans.

Researchers observed that CBD blocks replication of SARS-CoV-2 in human lung cells and inhibits infection in mice, according to a study published in Science Advances Thursday. A previous study examined how cannabis compounds interact with the virus on the molecular level.

However, scientists are several steps away from determining how cannabis compounds interact with viruses in the real world.

“There’s a huge gap between what you could do in a lab with molecules and a medicine that works in people,” said Peter Grinspoon, a doctor and cannabis specialist who was not involved in either study.

The lab procedures also are not generalizable to how people normally use CBD, Grinspoon added. In the lab, scientists injected mice with CBD twice daily for a week before exposing them to the virus, then for four more days post-exposure.

“For all we know, you’d have to eat 50 pounds of CBD for that to work — we have no idea if it will work as a medicine,” Grinspoon told Insider. “We’re just not there yet.”

Blocking the virus from entry

Separate from the study that was published Thursday, a team of researchers in Oregon happened upon cannabis as a candidate for fighting the coronavirus in a lab.

The team screened several botanical extracts to see which ones could bind to SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein, and two cannabinoid acids outperformed the rest.

The compounds CBDA and CBGA — both derived from hemp and sensitive to heat, so you can’t smoke them — prevented the virus from entering host cells more successfully than the other candidates.

Fikadu Tafesse, a microbiologist and immunologist who worked on the study, said the discovery was exciting for the team, but he was “shocked” when the media coverage came out.

“It just went crazy,” Tafesse told Insider. “What we found in the lab context is fascinating … but I think it’s really important to keep in mind the fact that we just evaluated the antiviral activity of these compounds in a tissue culture.”

Even between these two early studies, it’s uncertain when and how CBD would stop COVID-19 from developing in the human body. While the first study showed cannabinoid acids seemed to block entry by stopping the spike protein, the second study looked at CBD only and found it kept the virus from making new copies once inside human cells.

What we do know about weed and COVID-19

CBD has been studied for potential anti-inflammatory effects, with one study in the European Journal of Pain demonstrating the compound can ease arthritis inflammation in rats. However, that doesn’t mean it has a replicable effect in humans.

It’s somewhat counterintuitive that anything derived from cannabis would prevent COVID-19 infection, since the plant has immunosuppressant effects. If anything, Grinspoon said he would expect that frequent cannabis users might be more susceptible than the average person.

However, the second study also compared rates of COVID-19 for people who regularly take pharmaceutical-grade CBD, and they had a lower rate of COVID than people who didn’t take that CBD. This correlation does not mean there’s a causal relationship though.

Both sets of authors cautioned against using edibles or other cannabis products as a COVID-19 prevention or treatment method. At the end of the day, it’s not a great idea to smoke with a respiratory virus going around, Grinspoon said.
