Cedric Gates – DISTRICT 45 Representative – The Aloha Hour With Johny and Steezy

Cedric Gates, a dedicated public servant and advocate for the people of Hawaii, currently serves as a Representative in the Hawaii State Legislature. Born and raised in the vibrant communities of Hawaii, Gates has deep roots in the state and a profound commitment to its residents.

With a background in community organizing and activism, Gates entered politics with a clear mission: to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and enact positive change. His passion for social justice and equality has been the driving force behind his legislative efforts.

Throughout his tenure, Gates has championed initiatives aimed at improving education, healthcare accessibility, and environmental sustainability. He has been a vocal advocate for affordable housing initiatives, recognizing the pressing need to address housing insecurity in Hawaii. Additionally, Gates has been a staunch supporter of policies to protect Hawaii’s natural beauty and combat climate change.

Known for his collaborative approach and ability to bridge divides, Gates has earned respect from colleagues on both sides of the political aisle. His leadership style is characterized by integrity, compassion, and a relentless dedication to serving the people of Hawaii.

Outside of his legislative duties, Gates remains actively involved in community organizations and grassroots movements, working tirelessly to build a brighter future for Hawaii and its residents.
