Chayei Sarah Part 7 I Am Free

Sarah shares Part 7 of the testimony of her life’s journey on her ”Chayei Sarah” telegram group.
This group is dedicated to equipping the daughters of Sarah to return to the blessings of the ancient paths by walking/living as their mother Sarah would have done in this modern world.

For the first time ever Sarah shares her life’s journey from a worldly abusive marriage to one founded on Biblical principles that bring about shalom (peace). Most importantly Sarah shares how The Great King set her free from the persistent painful memories and continuous internal dialog that threatened her new marriage and family via the spiritual principles found in The Torah narrative of ”The Captive Woman” Deut 21:10-14.

It is our belief that just as Messiah said, it is child like faith that allows us to access the blessings of our Father’s Word.

To join the Chayei Sarah telegram group click the link below.

For a deeper understanding of the ”Spiritual” significance of hair, access the Ancient Biblical Oils workshop called ”Prayer & Meditation”, Live presentations of this life changing workshop can be found on the Ancient Biblical Oils Facebook ”Events” section and from the 30th of Sep 2022 on our teaching website

For Biblical health, wellness and healing products please visit our websites.
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If you would like help with regards to a health issue, please fill out our free online health assessment and Sarah will get back to you with a plan of action to get you well on your way on your healing journey.
