Community Spotlights: Naturally Inspired Media Presents: Bloom Hemp! #cbd #doctorformulated #experts

Introducing Naturally Inspired, our new community spotlight video series, where we feel good, live simply and laugh more.

This series will feature video interviews with our community partners in health who are always excited to help us live our happiest, healthiest lives.

Tasha speaks with Dr. Sunil Pai and Graham Magee of Bloom-Hemp, a USDA Certified Organic Hemp producer and manufacturer of natural foods and wellness products. Find them at

In this interview, discover what differentiates Bloom-Hemp products through unique science-based formulations that are transforming an industry.
Connect with Community Spotlights: Naturally Inspired Video Series

#naturallyinspiredmediaproductions #communityspotlights #videoseries #healthpartners #wellnessexperts #naturallyinspired #subjectexperts #healthyliving #empowerment #selfjourney #health #wellness #cbd #cannabiseducation #cannabisindustry #hemp #drsunilpai #sanjevani #integrativemedicine
