a fun day in the life! healthy grocery haul, what i eat in a day, cooking the best nourishing & easy dinner recipe along with super fun house stuff! LOVE YOU! hope you enjoy todays’ video xx Cambria
⋒ Wellness Guide! The NEW Wellness Method – INNHERstrength Workout Program! click here to join: https://www.cambriajoy.com/program
*Last year when INNHERstrength first came out I had never been so excited about anything. But giving it a makeover I realized that this is truly what I wanted to create…Price is currently on pre-pre sale 167 197
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⋒ BOOK! Workouts, recipes, & devotions! click here to order your copy of Growing Strong now! https://cambriajoy.com/book
Gallery Wall Frames https://rstyle.me/+4lDiUpYqcFfJPcGR93z-yA
0:31 healthy farmers market grocery haul
11:31 daily movement – beach walk + heart chat
12:42 cook with me! healthy dinner recipe for a nourishing weeknight meal!
14:06 easy way to save money + eat healthy on a budget!
16:35 candid Cambo conversation while eating dinner lol
20:23 spend saturday morning with me! morning routine, breakfast, daily bread on the beach, coffee date & grocery shop! + what i eat in a day
22:08 grocery haul round 2
24:23 spring cleaning + fun home stuff!
27:51 giveaway!!
WATCH MORE – click below to watch!
○ pain-free period video: https://youtu.be/xOvDHRJciY4
○ Fix Your Metabolism with these 4 steps: https://youtu.be/b7fuqdp6sCo
+ Probiotics (my fav!): https://justthrivehealth.com/?rfsn=5282715.91043d (use code CAMBRIA for 15% off)
+ Grassfed Beef Liver Supplement https://rstyle.me/+53lxJWppsJvF2mXxD8_g7w
+ Vit C https://rstyle.me/+0EdyVw5tm2rI-YcniZnkUA
+ Shilajit https://www.iherb.com/pr/paradise-herbs-shilajit-60-vegetarian-capsules/40251?rcode=CAMBRIA
+ Collagen: https://rstyle.me/+JKCyaLEDWpelHmPRPSVPRw
+ Magnesium Flakes for bath https://www.iherb.com/pr/life-flo-pure-magnesium-flakes-super-concentrated-2-75-lb-44-oz/39710
kitchen items:
+ Wood Bowls https://rstyle.me/+lZGVjHU9h12h5iyfSBFY9A
+ Flower Colander https://go.magik.ly/ml/1esej/
+ Plates https://rstyle.me/+elsvk3MDZu1WlvEprEikXA
+ Blender: https://rstyle.me/+6cL0BmBTZuFtWT5IjhOKWA
+ Espresso Machine: https://rstyle.me/+xky-2w5uz7ppuSPNzfEk1A
+ Glass straws: https://rstyle.me/+Wj2BB5Rs8bXWf38StvAL1Q
+ Ribbed drinking glasses https://rstyle.me/+KJ0hlq62DX8sojQDPADuew
+ concrete counters! https://concretecountertopsolutions.com/
+ rings https://kasiarandalljewelry.com/collections/krj-rings/products/kr-hand-hammered-square-ring
+ white hat https://go.magik.ly/ml/1esjg/
+ Bigger Gold Hoop Earrings: https://rstyle.me/+l6rDAjTJjj5CV3Qmolu_Qw
+ daily light devotional https://rstyle.me/+gPQqZc76lA6VdWoXcW4u6A
+ daily planner https://go.magik.ly/ml/1ewsz/
+ owls howl coffee https://sightglasscoffee.com/products/owls-howl
+ white tumblr https://rstyle.me/+Wpfj2xqkF3aZ0MMW3EzKkA
+ Monstera mug: https://alexapland.com/collections/monstera-mugs?page=1
+ Bible: https://rstyle.me/+onMbeUEsSTsmqTJhcByM8Q
⋒ Instagram! @CAMBRIAJOY https://www.instagram.com/cambriajoy/
⋒ EMAILS! Sign up for weekly emails click here: https://cambriajoy.lpages.co/healthystartguide/
this video is not sponsored. some links may be an affiliate. it’s all to help you + answer questions and make things easy for you. thanks for your love + support. love you
Music by Carter Vail – Silent Movies – https://thmatc.co/?l=9A9E72BC
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Music by Au Gres – do you think we’re old enough – https://thmatc.co/?l=F21145CE
Music by Love Drunk Hearts – Roam – https://thmatc.co/?l=9BE660A9
Music by Sonic Nothing – Blush – https://thmatc.co/?l=4491227A