Death Rate Is Twice Among People With Color

They found a clear delineation of worse outcomes for people of color. “We have a societal and professional duty to recognize and accept that the effects of structural racism have taken hold of our patients’ health long before they arrive in our trauma bays, ICU beds, and operating tables,” they write. “These disparities permeate our society and contribute to inequitable health outcomes, and we must take action to identify the factors which perpetuate this disproportionate suffering.”

‘People of color are twice as likely to die after traumatic brain injury. This highights the underlying disparities in social health such as diet, lifestyle, occupations and access to health care that disproportionately affects people of color.’

The researchers found no bias in the treatment patients received while in the hospital. Measurements including the number of days spent in intensive care and charges for hospital services were similar between groups.

Rather, they say the findings highlight underlying disparities in health that disproportionately affect people of color. “If you ran the same analysis with patients with pneumonia, you might find the same results,” said senior author Ahmed M. Raslan, M.D., FAANS, associate professor of neurological surgery in the OHSU School of Medicine. “Our findings point to the problem in a more robust and clear way. The problem is rooted in social determinants of health, including factors such as diet, lifestyle, occupations and access to health care.”

The study is the first to review racial and ethnic disparities in the field of neurosurgical trauma. Researchers reviewed outcomes for 6,352 patients treated for traumatic brain injuries between 2006 and 2017. The overall mortality rate was 9.9% among all patients. Among the 1,504 patients who identified as racial or ethnic minorities, 14.6% died.

Weighted for severity of injury, age and other factors, researchers calculated an in-hospital mortality hazard ratio of 2.21 for minority patients compared to white patients.

“Dr. Raslan’s research is incredibly important in highlighting disparities in health outcomes experienced by people of color,” said Nathan Selden, M.D., Ph.D., professor and chair of neurological surgery in the OHSU School of Medicine. “Together with our department’s efforts to improve the care of traumatic brain injuries, and more broadly to improve diversity in medicine, I am confident OHSU can really make a difference.”

Source: Medindia

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