Delays in Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care

In all three states, individuals who had experienced financial instability due to being out of work, having fallen behind on key payments, or because of a job reduction or loss due to COVID-19 had increased odds of experiencing delays in sexual and reproductive health care.

“Importantly, our findings highlight only a small piece of the larger picture of how individuals’ reproductive autonomy was impeded due to the pandemic,” concluded the investigators. “Further research regarding the extent to which these COVID-19-related delays resulted in subsequent negative consequences for individuals—such as having to rely on less preferred methods of contraception, forego contraception all together, and/or experience unwanted pregnancies—is warranted.”

“Although the researchers demonstrated COVID-19-related delays in access to sexual and reproductive health care, linked to financial instability, the findings revealed no association between health insurance coverage and COVID-19-related access delays,” says Journal of Women’s Health Editor-in-Chief Susan G. Kornstein, MD, Executive Director of the Virginia Commonwealth University Institute for Women’s Health, Richmond, VA.

Source: Eurekalert

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