Digital Detox & Wireless Hygiene Intro Webinar July 11 2024 7-9pmGMT

Everyone’s talking about EMFs from our wireless devices and health hazards. Lisa and Glynn from Safe Tech will teach you fact from fiction so you’re not overwhelmed. Our aim is to empower you! Join our Safe Tech Community and sign up for the Safe Tech Family Boot Camp or the Digital Detox Prehab Course for Health Practitioners to learn screening and intake to ascertain how to help patients recover faster and maintain treatment. Practitioners that address wireless radiation are on the cutting edge and seeing faster results. Dr. James Ziobron from Michigan, USA, saying “80-90% of his patients have some sort of issue with ElectroPollution” and have symptoms disappear upon practicing wireless hygiene and digital detox. We will help guide you!

Our aim is to empower you!
