EP 136 – Outdated drug testing in the trucking industry, adding to supply chain issues.

What’s up all you stoners, burners and potheads? Welcome to another episode of Weedman420Chronicles! We’ve got a great show for you this week. Mr and Mrs Weedman are smoking some fantastic home grow while delivering news you can use about cannabis reform, laws and research around the world. Mr Weedman talks about research involving twins in legal vs illegal states and Mrs Weedman brings some big reports, one on a landmark case involving a firefighter testing positive but winning back his right to work, US truckers leaving the workforce after testing positive for THC, and HempCrete making changes in the building industry.

Thanks for listening and as always, hit us up!

Twitter: @weedman420pod
IG: @weedman420chronicles
email: weedman420chronicles@gmail.com
YouTube: Weedman420 Chronicles


#High #Cannabis #StomptheStigma #HomeGrow #FreethePlant #CannabisEducation #CannabisResearch #Weed #Marijuana #LegalizeIt #CannabisNews #CBD #Terpenes #Podcast #CannabisPodcast #eightdecades #hemp

Article Links:
* https://www.thegrowthop.com/cannabis-news/fired-for-medical-cannabis-this-firefighter-is-back-on-the-job-after-winning-landmark-case
* https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2023-01-30/legalizing-marijuana-doesnt-raise-drug-alcohol-abuse-study
* https://norml.org/blog/2023/01/27/tens-of-thousands-of-commercial-truckers-leaving-the-workforce-over-outdated-marijuana-testing-requirements/
* https://www.bbc.com/news/business-63666195

COPYRIGHT 2021 WeedMan420Chronicles©
