Episode 03: Cannabis and Industrial Hemp

Join Jared and Ian as they talk about the most amazing plant on earth, Cannabis Sativa L!! They talk about it’s two most commonly known forms Marijuana and Industrial Hemp and all the benefits of this amazing plant plus how it can literally save humanity!


marijuana, cannabis, weed, pot, bud, dope, Mary Jane, ganja, herb, chronic, hemp, CBD, THC, medical marijuana, recreational marijuana, cannabis legalization, cannabis industry, cannabis culture, cannabis news, cannabis science, cannabis benefits, cannabis risks, cannabis strains, cannabis products, cannabis edibles, cannabis concentrates, cannabis topicals, cannabis seeds, cannabis growing, cannabis recipes, industrial hemp, hemp fiber, hemp seeds, hemp oil, hemp food, hemp clothing, hemp paper, hemp plastic, hemp biofuel, hemp building materials, hempcrete, hemp textiles, hemp skincare, hemp supplements
