Eradicating COVID Worldwide Currently Not a Target

“Humanity is going to have to learn how to co-exist with this virus, preventing it from spiking and then surging and causing hotspots of disease, and we’re going to have to be able to do this for the foreseeable future,” Nabarro told Sky News’ Trevor Phillips on Sunday.

“Eradication is not currently a reasonable target for the world.”

Nabarro said that whenever there is a sudden surge, “it does stimulate in one’s mind the thought that there might be a new variant appearing. That wouldn’t be surprising.”

Further, Nabarro said that no country is “let off the hook” by the WHO when it comes to investigating the pandemic, The Telegraph reported.

“When we’re dealing with pandemics it’s a joint effort between national governments and the WHO. We are mutually dependent on each other and no nation is let off the hook,” Nabarro said.

He noted that the WHO is not an “independent superpower” with “carte blanche” to do what it wants and must “work within the rules set by the governments that own it”.

Source: IANS

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