Fake Noble Temple used by Fake Grand Sheik Toronto Johnson LIES on R. Neal Bey & K. Glover El

Today we expose Toronto Johnson aka Taharka Bey a FAKE Grand Sheik of the Fake Noble Temple who spreads LIES on R. Neal Bey and K. Glover El on his bootleg Sa Neter Tv channel called moorish world Tv. Ignorant on hemp, drunk on envy, IT LIES to moors about R. Neal Bey & K. Glover El about selling marijuana in the name of Prophet Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple of America with no EVIDENCE! Today Clear The Record for Moors and Moorish Americans, and expose this real life cartoon character. His followers were made aware of hurds revised statutes, and it’s significance to the Temple, and how he’s no party to it.
The real rise of the Moors begins.

#taharkabey #moorishworldtv #taharkabeyexposed
